Research Survey Software

Research Survey Software

Research Survey Software

Rowan University faculty, staff, and students can use Qualtrics and REDCap survey software for research purposes. Qualtrics and REDCap provide researchers with an online, electronic survey, database, and analytical resources that can be used to meet the goals and aims of their research projects. 

Use of Qualtrics and REDCap software for human subjects research purposes must be approved by the Rowan University IRB. Research design in Rowan IRB protocols should identify the use of electronic survey software, and data collection sheets, survey questions, and other research instruments utilized in the research survey software should be attached in the Rowan IRB submission.

Principal Investigators are responsible for proper management, access, and use of research data collected. Research staff acquiring and using research data, that includes personal, individual identifiable information, obtained from research survey software must be a researcher on a Rowan IRB approved submission/protocol.

Principal Investigators and researchers must use, access, manage, share, retain, and dispose human subjects research data according to their data management plans approved in their IRB protocol, federal and state US government regulations, and Rowan University policies and procedures. Use of the data and subsequent management plan in a Rowan IRB approved protocol should be in-line with data management plans proposed and awarded in grants and contracts.


Qualtrics software must be used when human subjects participants are Rowan faculty, staff, and students.

Qualtrics software can be used to create and distribute surveys and analyze data when human subject populations are a mix of Rowan faculty, staff, and students and external, non-Rowan individuals. Rowan faculty, staff, and student researchers using Qualtrics in their research design and protocols can click on the following link to review information about Qualtrics.

Rowan University Qualtrics Software

Knowledge Link Qualtrics Survey Getting Started Article


REDCap software can be used to build and manage online surveys and databases. REDcap is secure, web-based software managed by Project REDCap. Rowan University is one of the consortium partners that make up the consortium of non-profit organizations and governments that use REDCap for research and operations.

Rowan University has established policies related to Acceptable Use Policy and Information Classification Policy, which are promulgated in a Rowan IRT Knowledge Base Article titled: "REDCap:Appropriate Data Use"

Here is the link to Rowan IRT Support & Training webpage where you can click on Rowan Support Portal to get into the website to review REDCap: Appropriate Data Use - Rowan IRT Support & Training Webpage

Rowan University faculty, staff, and students must request access to REDCap via request to Rowan IRB general email account.

REDCap Account Creation Overview

  • The PI will submit a request to the Rowan IRB ( identifying the first and last name of the individuals that need access to REDCap
    • If the email request is done by a researcher other than the PI, then the PI should be cced in the email request to ensure PI is aware of the request
    • Initial IRB Submissions - PI, or PI designee, should list personnel in an initial IRB submission and can leave the IRB submission in an unsubmitted state in Cayuse IRB and include the Cayuse IRB# pending approval in the email request. After REDCap accounts are created, then the initial IRB submission can be made final, including a copy of the REDCap survey or other study instruments in the IRB submission submitted for review and approval by the Rowan IRB
    • Modifications for Current, Approved IRB Submissions - PI, or PI designee, should identify the approved IRB by including the IRB# in the REDCap account request
  • Rowan IRB administration will create an initial REDCap account
  • REDCap will send an automated email to the individuals and provide instructions on performing the final steps to make the REDCap account complete and allow the individual to use REDCap.
    • Individuals should not share their REDCap account username and password with other individuals, researchers, and IRB administration

REDCap New User Account Request

Rowan REDCap Login Webpage