Biomedical Science

Biomedical Science

Biomedical Science

Anikin Lab

Research in the laboratory focuses on mechanisms of mitochondrial gene expression and its regulation. We study an array of nuclear DNA encoded protein factors that control the expression of mitochondrial genes.

Dr Paola Leone

Cell and Gene Therapy Center

Dr. Paola Leone's research is on neurological diseases that can be treated using the latest gene transfer technologies and cell transplantation methods.

Chandler Lab

Chandler Lab

Humans are exposed to stress daily throughout their lives.  During a stressful experience, the brainstem nucleus locus coeruleus becomes engaged and releases norepinephrine throughout the central nervous system...

The Chang Lab

The Chang lab studies the physiology and pathology of the nervous system. Our research focuses on host-microbe interactions and brain-gut axis signaling.

Demarest Lab

Demarest Lab

Focusing on cancer, T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, mouse models of disease, therapeutic delivery strategies, biodevices and coating materials... 

Devilbiss Lab

Devilbiss Lab

Role of neuromodulators in shaping the neural dynamics of cognitive and behavioral flexibility. Electrophysiological signatures of cognitive dysfunction and therapeutics. Mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction following concussion and mild traumatic brain injury...

Goldberg Lab

Goldberg Lab

Cells must communicate with each other to coordinate the development and survival of an animal. This communication can be mediated by diffusible factors that pass between cells, or by direct contact through cell junctions. We are interested in how intercellular communication affects cell growth and differentiation, with an emphasis on how cell communication can control tumor cell growth, invasion, and metastasis.

The Gould Lab

The Gould Lab

Imagine your favorite food. Now imagine being told you can never eat it again because you risk injury or death. That is the reality faced by millions of people suffering from long term swallowing dysfunction or dysphagia.

Holaska Lab

Holaska Lab

My research program studies the molecular mechanisms underlying how the nuclear envelope regulates some of these fundamental cellular processes, including genomic architecture, RNA transcription and cell signaling.

Kohout Lab

Kohout Lab

The Kohout lab studies how cells communicate. We focus on the interface between electrical and chemical signaling, thus integrating biophysics, molecular neuroscience, and cell biology. By understanding how these fundamental communication pathways work, we can better understand how and why they fail in disease states. Our current focus is on the voltage sensing phosphatase, a unique combination of a voltage sensor coupled to an enzyme, the only known voltage regulated enzyme.

Kumari Lab

Kumari Lab

The regulatory pathways associated with tongue homeostasis and genes responsible for taste fungiform papilla/taste bud alteration after HH pathway blockade are not clearly understood and remain challenging to understand tongue physiology in response to therapeutic interventions such as HH signaling blockade.

Loweth Lab

Loweth Lab

The Loweth lab is interested in understanding how exposure to drugs of abuse such as psychostimulants lead to long-lasting changes in neuronal circuitry and motivated behavior that ultimately drive compulsive drug taking and drug seeking behavior.


Manvich Lab

Our primary research program is focused on understanding the interactions between psychosocial stressor exposure, stress-coping strategies, and the behavioral effects of drugs of abuse.

Markov Lab

Markov Lab

The main focus of our research is regulation of mitochondrial gene expression in fungi, specifically, pathogenic yeast species, including Candida albicans and Candida auris.

Dr. Navarra's Lab

Navarra Lab

We utilize a combination of in-vivo electrophysiology and behavioral pharmacology to study the neurobiology of sensory signal processing, decision making, and higher order cognitive functions. 

Pestov Lab

Pestov Lab

Our group focuses on mammalian ribosome biogenesis and biochemical pathways that monitor the health of the protein synthesis machinery. We are particularly interested in stress-induced damage to the ribosome and how changes in ribosome homeostasis contribute to human disease.

Rood Lab

Rood Lab

Social interaction has a profound effects on both our behavior and our emotional well-being. Positive social interactions have been shown to have lasting benefits for human health, whereas negative social interaction can lead to worse health outcomes and in severe cases can be causative in the onset of illness


Shcherbik Lab

Research in my laboratory is focused on the ribosome – a complex molecular machine that performs synthesis of polypeptides in living cells.

Waterhouse Lab

Waterhouse Lab

The primary research focus of my laboratory is to understand the role of the central monoaminergic systems in brain function and behavior. 


West Lab

West Lab

Our lab focuses on researching neural circuits, mediating, learning, memory, and decision-making.

Yin Lab

Yin Lab

Despite advances in antibiotic therapythere is a significant need for more efficacious treatments of severe bacterial infectionsThe host responds to bacterial infection by activating the innate immune system to clear pathogen by phagocytic and killing mechanisms...