


In this part of the process, the OTC staff will review the novelty of the invention, protectability and marketability of potential products or services, relationship to related intellectual property, size and growth potential of the relevant market, amount of time and money required for further development, pre-existing rights associated with the intellectual property, and potential competition from other products/technologies. The OTC will work with you to develop the appropriate commercialization strategy for the invention. 

The staff carefully reviews the commercial potential before investing in the patent process. The office will look for creative and cost-effective ways to seek early protections for as many promising inventions as possible. Patent protection is often a requirement of a potential commercialization partner because it can protect the commercial partner's often sizeable investment required to bring the technology to market. Due to their expense and the length of time required to obtain a patent, patent applications are not possible for all Rowan invention disclosures.

OTC will use many sources and strategies to identify potential licensees and market inventions. Sometimes existing relationships of the inventors, South Jersey Technology Park staff, and other researchers are useful in marketing an invention. Faculty publications and presentations are often excellent marketing tools also. We also examine other complementary technologies and agreements to assist our efforts. The OTC website is useful for finding inventions, leveraging conferences and industry events, and making direct contacts.