Research Development
Research Development
Office of Research Development
The Office of Research Development (ORD) at Rowan University is dedicated to empowering faculty, staff, and administrators in securing competitive external funding to advance innovative research. Our expert team collaborates closely with researchers to elevate the quality and impact of grant proposals, ensuring alignment with sponsor guidelines, fostering clear and compelling communication, and assembling dynamic, interdisciplinary teams. With a commitment to academic excellence and research advancement, ORD provides comprehensive services designed to maximize funding opportunities and drive scholarly success. Explore our resources and discover how we can support your research journey. For more information, contact us at
Federal Funding Updates 2025
The Division of University Research is actively monitoring updates from federal agencies. Please visit the Federal Reseach Funding Updates 2025 webpage for more information.Announcements and Resources
Rowan Research Day
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Chamberlain Student Center
Chamberlain Student Center
Join the Rowan Community and academic, industry and government partners to celebrate the University's exceptional research, scholarship and creative activities.
Featured events include:
School of Graduate Studies
Second Annual Graduate Student and
Postdoctoral Scholar Poster Session
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Federal Research Funding Landscape
10 a.m.
Laura Lay, Partner and Director of Grants, Winning Strategies Washington
Lunch and Keynote Speaker
12 p.m. (pre-registration required)
12 p.m. (pre-registration required)
Keynote Speaker:
Chrissy Buteas '04, President and Chief Executive Officer, HealthCare Institute of New Jersey (HINJ)
See more details and the full program schedule at
Call for Nominations: 2025 Rowan University Research Awards
The Division of University Research is pleased to announce the 2025 awards nominations for excellence in research, scholarly, and/or creative activities by faculty and students. All nominations will be judged by a faculty panel appointed by the Vice President for Research.
Awards will be presented as part of Rowan University Research Day held on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, and will be publicly recognized at the Awards Ceremony.
Rowan University Research Achievement Award ($2,000)
This award recognizes full-time permanent faculty members for their outstanding achievements in research activity, either for a specific project or for a body of work accumulated over multiple years. An individual or a group of faculty members working on the same project may be nominated. The awardee(s) must be employed by Rowan University at the time of the award presentation.
Award criteria:
1. Quality: has the project resulted in a significant advancement in the applicant’s field of interest?
2. Institutional impact: has this research included students and/or been applied in the classroom?
3. Recognition: have publications in peer-reviewed journals, presentations at professional society meetings, and/or honors and awards resulted from this work?
The application package must include:
- A letter of nomination from another faculty member or administrator, addressing the evaluation criteria listed above.
- A letter of support from the nominee’s college dean(s).
- A nominee-written one to two-page summary of their research activity, addressing the criteria listed above.
- A two-page resume from each nominee.
The entire application must be submitted electronically in a Word document format to the Office of Research Development,, no later than 12 p.m. on Wednesday, February 28, 2025.
Award for Excellence in Graduate Research ($500)
This award recognizes achievements in research as a graduate student. Students must be enrolled at the University for the entirety of the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters.
The award is for a single project or for a series of projects that demonstrate the student’s skills in planning, conducting, and disseminating research as well as the innovation and impact of the research. An individual student or a group of students working on the same project may be nominated. Students must be nominated by a faculty member.
Award criteria:
- Originality and novelty: is the project at the forefront of the applicant’s professional field?
- Impact: is there potential for the project to result in a significant advancement in the applicant’s field of interest?
- Quality: is the research work presented with appropriate technical content, style, and language?
The application package must include:
- A letter of nomination from a faculty member.
- A student-written one to two-page summary of their research.
- A student-written one-page biographical sketch (per student, if a team is nominated) that includes a description of their role in the research, the impact of the research on their knowledge and skills, and their future goals.
The entire application must be submitted electronically in a Word document format to the Office of Research Development,, no later than 12 p.m. on Wednesday, February 28, 2025.
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research ($500)
This award recognizes research achievements by undergraduate students who are accepted in their chosen major or program. Also, students must be in attendance at the University for the entirety of the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters.
The award recognizes a single project or a series of projects that demonstrate the student’s skills in planning, conducting, and disseminating research. An individual student or a group of students working on the same project may be nominated. Students must be nominated by a faculty member.
Award criteria:
- Originality: is the project at the forefront of the applicant’s professional field?
- Impact: is there potential for the project to result in a significant advancement in the applicant’s field of interest?
- Quality: is the research work presented with appropriate technical content, style, and language?
The application package must include:
- A letter of nomination from a faculty member.
- A student-written one to two-page summary of their research.
- A student-written one-page biographical sketch (per student, if a team is nominated) that includes a description of their role in the research, the impact of the research on their knowledge and skills, and their future goals.
The entire application must be submitted electronically in a Word document format to the Office of Research Development,, no later than 12 p.m. on Wednesday, February 28, 2025.
The Rowan University Breakthrough of the Year Award ($2,000)
This award for a research team led by a full-time permanent faculty member for their recent breakthrough which represents a significant advancement in understanding of a particular subject or problem-solving approach. The breakthrough must show evidence of public dissemination and documented impact that the work has led to discovery of new information, developed an innovative technology, technique, or approach, or has explained a previously unexplained phenomenon.
This award will go to the research team (comprised of faculty, staff, students, and internal/external collaborators) who have made significant advancements beyond current knowledge with work that has the potential for profound impact in a field of study or on society as a whole.
Award criteria:
- Timeliness: Has the project undergone public dissemination and shown documented impact in the recent 12 months (prior to this application)?
- Quality: has the project resulted in significant advancements beyond current knowledge with work that has the potential for profound impact?
- Institutional impact: Can the research idea be primarily attributed to a Rowan personnel (faculty, staff, or student) such as to bring recognition to Rowan as an institution at the leading edge on societal impact and discovery?
- Recognition: have the publications in peer-reviewed journals, presentations at professional society meetings resulted in nationwide press/publicity or honors/awards from others knowledgeable or expert in the field?
The application package must include:
- A letter of nomination or self-nomination from the team. The letter must acknowledge all involved in the work and show that all involved have been notified of their nomination. The letter should address the criteria written above.
- A letter of support from the nominee’s college dean(s).
- Supporting evidence that the work has resulted in nationwide press/publicity or honors/awards from others knowledgeable or expert in the field. This could be in the form of reviewer comments from peer reviewed publications.
- A bio sketch (one to two paragraphs) of each team member recognized in the nomination.
The entire application must be submitted electronically in a Word document format to the Office of Research Development,, no later than 12 p.m. on Wednesday, February 28, 2025.
For questions or additional information, please contact:
John Manuel
Manager, Office of Research Development
Division of University Research
John Manuel
Manager, Office of Research Development
Division of University Research
Art of Rowan Research Contest
The Art of Rowan Research Contest & Exhibition celebrates student-created imagery revealing the artistry of scientific research and creative inquiry underway at Rowan University. The top prize is $500.
What can be submitted:
Submissions must be original images of research affiliated with Rowan University. Entries may include microscopy, photographs taken in the lab or in the field, graphic illustrations or drawings. Rules and guidelines are posted at
Who can submit:
Open to all Rowan-affiliated students.
How to enter:
Upload entries at
Deadline for submissions: March 4, 2025
Winners will be announced during Rowan Research Day on March 26, 2025.
Questions about the contest? Email us at
Library Research Support Services
This new cross-campus team within Rowan University Libraries is led by Susan Cavanaugh, Director of CMSRU Library, and includes two librarians: Benjamin Saracco, Scholarly Publishing and Open Research Librarian and Denise Brush, Institutional Repository and Data Curation Librarian. Services include:
- Support for Research Data Management - consult us about creating a Data Management Plan, identifying an appropriate data repository, and other research data issues.
- Journal Selection Reports - get help identifying a journal to submit your manuscript.
- Support for Open Access Publishing - learn more about how to publish your work Open Access with the help of various library services.
- ORCID @ Rowan - set up an ORCID account that is connected to your Rowan affiliation.
- Researcher Impact - analyze and show the impact of your work using metrics.
For more information, view the complete list of research support services. Contact Researcher Support Services at for assistance with any of the services.
Pivot Funding Database
Pivot is the Office of Research Development's comprehensive database for finding funding opportunities and discovering research collaborators. This platform empowers faculty members to actively showcase and promote their research, scholarly, and creative activity to all corners of the Rowan community and other research institutions within the Pivot network.
To access Pivot, you must be a faculty member, staff member, or student at Rowan University. You may access Pivot by creating an account and claiming your profile. Please access to begin this process. If you have questions, please access our Pivot how-to guide and frequently asked questions.
To access Pivot, you must be a faculty member, staff member, or student at Rowan University. You may access Pivot by creating an account and claiming your profile. Please access to begin this process. If you have questions, please access our Pivot how-to guide and frequently asked questions.
In addition, please see video tutorials with step-by-step instructions on how to get started using Pivot.
Grant Workshops
Virtual workshops are regularly offered on finding funding, the submission process, managing awards and related topics to support the research community. For more information, please visit the workshop schedule.
Rowan University's Statistical Consulting Group
Get expert, low-cost support from the Rowan Statistical Consulting Group (SCG). The benefits of working with our faculty statisticians include:
- Lowering study costs by optimizing statistical methodology aligned with your research needs
- Grant and future publication preparation support related to statistical methodology and analyses, including responses to reviewer comments - shown to improve funding outcomes!
- Peace of mind knowing that your study used appropriate and effective statistical analyses.
- Receiving an additional portion of indirect costs returned when you include a Rowan SCG statistician in your grant.
SCG faculty have expertise in a variety of fields and approaches. Examples include:
- Biostatistics: study design, data cleaning, and statistical analyses such as t-test, ANOVA, chi-square, regressions, survival analysis, modeling, multivariate analysis, meta-analysis, propensity-score matching
- Data Mining/Deep Learning/Machine Learning: dimensionality reduction, classification, clustering, decision trees, neural networks
- Platforms: SAS, R, Python, JMP, SPSS
We have experience working with a variety of clients and projects, including academic institutions, hospitals and health care systems, and non-profit organizations.
USDR Federal Grant Finder Tool
Rowan University faculty now have the opportunity to streamline their grant discovery efforts with access to the U.S. Digital Response (USDR) Federal Grant Finder Tool. In collaboration with the USDR team and the New Jersey Department of the Treasury Grants Management Office, this tool automates the search for federal funding opportunities and helps identify potential partnerships easily.
This resource is available at no cost to Rowan faculty, making it easier than ever to explore funding avenues. To access the tool, you will need login credentials. Simply submit a request, and the team will guide you through the onboarding process. For department-wide access, please reach out, and the team will provide additional details.
For more information and to submit your request, visit
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs: Funding Opportunities
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) offer funding opportunities for novel biomedical research that addresses the specific needs of various stakeholders, including the American public, the military and Congress.
All pre-applications must be submitted electronically to the Electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP) Full applications must be submitted electronically to the website
Highlighted Funding Opportunities
W.W. Smith Charitable Trust: Medical Research Grant Program
Limited Submission Announcement
Grantor: W.W. Smith Charitable Trust- Medical Research Grant Program
The Office of Research Development invites faculty to submit internal applications for the W.W. Smith Charitable Trust Medical Research Grant program (WWSCT). This limited submission opportunity is restricted to one (1) medical research proposal per organization. Proposals must align with WWSCT’s guidelines and goals to fund basic medical research in the areas of Heart Disease, Cancer, or AIDS. Applications must be for the work of individual investigators and not for general work or research centers.
EPA Thriving Communities Program
Dear Colleagues,
As you might be aware, we have an opportunity to apply to the EPA Region 2, Thriving Communities program administered by Fordham University. Several faculty members participated in development sessions with the program’s co-lead, Dr. Julie Gafney, this past spring. This program will provide awards “to help uplift disadvantaged and hard-to-reach communities” in the region (NY, NJ, PR, VI) ranging from $75K to $350K. A priority will be placed on projects that leverage community-driven projects. Projects related to Assessments, Capacity Building, and Shovel Ready projects will be considered.
Per Dr. Gafney’s recommendation, if you are thinking about a larger-scale project, you may wish to consider applying early in the process, as the window for completion will be three years from the launch of the RFP.
The RFP can be found at
For your reference, here are the EPA’s and Fordham’s award announcements:
If you have any additional questions, please contact Sean Fischer at
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship
This program's purpose is to support individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional humanistic research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Fellowships provide recipients with time to conduct research or produce books, monographs, peer-reviewed articles, e-books, digital materials, translations with annotations or a critical apparatus, or critical editions resulting from previous research.