Contact IRB

Contact IRB

László (Laz) M. Szabó, Esq.

Associate Vice President for Research Compliance, Chief Research Compliance Officer/Institutional Official

Eric Gregory, M.B.A.

Director of Research Compliance


Virtua Health College of Medicine & Life Sciences

Ane Johnson, Ph.D.
IRB Committee Chair 

Joanna Petrides, PsyD, MBS
IRB Committee Chair

Katelynn Huff, B.A.
IRB Analyst

IRB Program Coordinator

*Contact Eric Gregory related to RowanSOM IRB administration and submissions. 


Participants or Interested Public


Choosing to participate in research as a participant is an important personal decision. If you identify or are asked by others to participate as a subject in human subjects research, please take time to learn about research. Please take time and go to the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) to learn more about the regulations, principles and other pertinent information regarding human subjects research. If you have questions about your rights as a subject in research, feel free to contact the Office of Research Compliance at 856-256-4078.

Interested Public and Rowan University Faculty, Staff and Employees

If you are not a member of the Institutional Review Board but are interested in attending a scheduled and convened meeting of the Institutional Review Board, please contact the IRB offices of the preferred campuses. Please note that as a guest attendee, you will be required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement. Other policies and procedures may be enforced as well, and may include but are not limited to no audio or video recordings of the meeting by any guest attendee.

If you have questions, feel free to contact the Office of Research Compliance at 856-256-4078.

Rowan University Faculty, Staff and Employees

If you are interested in conducting human subjects research using Rowan University leased or owned premises and buildings, Rowan University students, staff, faculty or other employees of the University, or Rowan University data or other relevant literature and data owned by Rowan University, you will need to contact Rowan University IRB administration. If you need to reach out to other campuses regarding collaborative efforts in the conduct of your human subjects research or have questions regarding conducting human subjects research, please contact the Director of Research Compliance, Eric Gregory.