OMB Guidance

OMB Guidance

OMB Guidance

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) serves the President of the United States and provides oversight related to policy, budget, management and regulatory objectives, and to the fulfill the agency’s statutory responsibilities. OMB has published regulations and guidelines related to managing and spending federal funds, commonly referred to as Uniform Guidance.


The Office of Management and Budget “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Final Rule” was made effective December 26th, 2014. The final rule consolidated OMB Circulars A–21, A–110, and A–133, and other circulars, into one circular – CFR Title 2, Subtitle A, Part 200-299: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.


Click on the link to review and read Uniform Guidance: 2 CFR 200-299, Uniform Guidance (Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards)

Short History of Federal Grant Policy



Stewardship is defined as conducting, supervising, or managing of something, the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. When Rowan University and the Principal Investigator is awarded federal assistance (grants) or federal projects (contracts/cooperative agreements), federal dollars are entrusted to the care of Rowan University. The Principal Investigator is the steward of those funds; to manage those dollars in accordance with the grant or contract terms and conditions, federal agency/office/department guidelines and policies, and federal statutes and regulations.


Good Stewardship

Good stewardship has evolved over time since the Middle Ages to have a positive denotation and meaning. Good stewardship begins with effective internal controls and a robust compliance program. Rowan University is committed to supporting and creating a research environment that includes internal controls and resources for PI’s to achieve success and meet the objectives, goals, and purpose of the sponsored funds in a compliant manner. Adhering to federal requirements is an institution wide responsibility; whereas Rowan has implemented internal controls within its procedures to assist the Princiapl Investigator in their stewardship role. The Division of University Research offices are organized to provide services, consultation, policies, procedures, and resources in all areas of research administration to achieve stewardship and support the Principal Investigator.

Stewardship responsibilities include:

  • Managing federal awards in a compliant manner; meeting the expectations and standards of Federal statutes, regulations, agency/office policies, and terms and conditions of the award
  • Managing non-federal awards in a compliant manner; meeting any applicable state rules and regulations, sponsor guidelines, and terms and conditions of the award


Federal Agency’s Guidelines and Resources

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Policy and Compliance


National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG)

NSF’s Summary of Significant Changes and Clarification to the PAPPG

Chief Financial Officers Council Grants Webpage

Chief Financial Officers Council Uniform Guidance Frequently Asked Questions (Updated July 2017)

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) - Administration Management, Uniform Administrative Requirements

HRSA - Managing Your Grant

New Jersey OMB

New Jersey Office of Management and Budget 


Division of University Research Contact
Eric Gregory Director of Research Compliance, Division of University Research
email: Phone: (856) 256-4058