Meet Our Researchers: Environment & Sustainability
Meet Our Researchers: Environment & Sustainability
Meet Our Researchers: Environment & Sustainability

Efforts to conserve biodiversity fuel the development of a novel method of identifying species with enhanced DNA techniques. Meet Daniel Duran, taxonomist.

Equity and environmental justice
Sustainable development starts with community engagement. Meet Mahbubur Meenar, urban planner and geographer.

Storm intensity
Computer modeling indicates the intensity of hurricanes will continue to increase due to climate change. Meet Andra Garner, climate scientist.

Historical ocean temperatures and trends
Examining past climate trends to predict the future. Meet Gerald Rustic, geologist.

Renewable energy
Get a longer-lasting battery charge in just a few minutes. Meet Ken Lau, chemical engineer.

Business solutions for waste management
Smart business solutions can improve the market for recycling materials. Meet Jordan Howell, sustainable business researcher.

Modeling eco-friendly solutions
Mathematical modeling, process design, and simulation can help forecast cost-effective and environmentally friendly ways to manage chemicals and waste. Meet Kirti Yenkie, chemical engineer.

Alternative food production
Sustainability, economics, public health and animal treatment are some of the key issues surrounding alternative food production. Meet Garrett Broad, communication researcher.

Marine and coastal science
Much can be learned about our rapidly warming planet through the study of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide. Meet Charles Schutte, aquatic biogeochemist.

Arctic water chemistry
Arctic Ocean water holds clues to climate change, but scientists must venture to find them. Meet Lauren Kipp, environmental scientist.

NASA asteroid research
Samples collected from the asteroid Bennu will help us better understand the origin of planetary systems. Meet Harold Connolly, geologist.

Microbes in the guts of honey bees may impact their memories and social behavior. Meet Svjetlana “Lana” Vojvodic Kruse, biologist.

Sustainable materials
The planet needs renewable sources of new materials, perhaps from trees and plants. Meet Joe Stanzione, chemical engineer.